How to setup RubyMine for Phoenix Framework? - Day 1: 100 Days of Code - to Elixir (Episode 5)

Day 1

 100 Days of Code Phoenix

Today on Instagram I see the hashtag #100daysofcode, So I decide to have this challenge for Phoenix. 100 Days of Code Challenge in Phoenix. 

Today we are starting with a development environment. I complete development environment is really important to reduce developers workload. For this, I am suggesting Ruby Mine.

Best IDE for Phoenix Framework

Install RubyMine in Ubuntu

sudo snap install rubymine --classic
Simple in Ubuntu. It is now also available as a snap package. If you’re on Ubuntu 16.04 or later, you can install RubyMine from the command line with the above snap command. Or simply you can download from the following link.
Wait a moment. We are not starting Ruby, we want to start Elixir and Phoenix framework. But RubyMine is an amazing IDE come with Elixir Plugin, which allows you for development in Elixir and Phoenix Framework. The following is the Plugin link.
Install plugin and you are done. Now you are ready to use RubyMine for development. The amazing part, this software is free for students and people have .edu domain email addresses.