PAKISTAN one of the world's deadliest for the press

killed since

Although the number of killings declined from previous years, the country remained one of the world's deadliest for the press.
  1. Assailants target media outlets in Karachi
  2. Attacks on the press in 2013 Pakistan
  3. Three media workers killed in attack on Express TV van
  4. No justice 3 years after Wali Khan Babar murder
  5. Shan Dahar's death underscores impunity in Pakistan

With 53 work-related fatalities, Pakistan is the world's sixth-deadliest nation for the press since 1992, CPJ research shows.

Eighteen other journalists have been killed under unclear circumstances in Pakistan since 1992. CPJ is investigating to determine if the killings were related to their work.

Beats Covered by Victims *6% Business
13% Corruption
25% Crime
4% Culture
13% Human Rights
60% Politics
40% War
All figures are rounded to the nearest full percentage point. * May add up to more than 100 percent because more than one category applies in some cases.


  1. Iraq: 161
  2. Philippines: 76
  3. Syria: 61
  4. Algeria: 60
  5. Russia: 56
  6. Pakistan: 53
  7. Somalia: 52
  8. Colombia: 45
  9. India: 32
  10. Mexico: 29
  11. Brazil: 27
  12. Afghanistan: 24
  13. Turkey: 21
  14. Sri Lanka: 19
  15. Bosnia: 19
  16. Rwanda: 17
  17. Tajikistan: 17
  18. Sierra Leone: 16
  19. Bangladesh: 14
  20. Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory: 12
Journalism is not a crime