When Communist Leader İbrahim Kaypakkaya was arrested, He was interogated and tortured brutally during 4 months after which he was assasinated because the Turkish Fascist Staate understood that Kaypakkaya would never tell them any secret about his revolutionary movement and also he will never betray his comrades and the peoples with who he had worked together. His condition in prison was extremely bad, he was treated worst than any body. His feet weere cut up, his body were teared,his nails and teeths were taken out. He was isolated in a dark prison alone , and chained. He had no contact with outside and others prisoners. Several day he was let in hunger and thirst. When he was tortured , he wrote with the blood which flow of his body on the wall his historical motto for better to resist to his ennemies and to keep his communist mind : "Dont forget, we are Communist!" He is reverred as the symbol of the resistance and respected for his exemplary behaviour for a communist revolutionary.